Issue 159 (August 2019)
The August 2019 issue of Irish Vintage Scene is now on sale. Our cover story this month documents the creation of what must be the world’s most accurate replica of Paddy Hopkirk’s legendary 1964 Monte Carlo Rally-winning Mini, built in Northern Ireland by an ardent fan that’s since passed away, while our second car feature drops in on a Dublin enthusiast with a unique matching pair of Executive Ford saloons from the seventies – an Escort 1300E and Cortina 1600E. Our main tractor feature this month focuses not on John McGann’s concours-level Massey 35X shown on the pages, but in fact on the rare 1948 Mk2 Ferguson tipping trailer it pulls behind, while our second tractor follows on from last month’s issue in being yet another unusual Ferguson TE20, this time one that’s been put together from odds and ends of other tractors and given a fun-loving makeover to support a local charity event. In our motorcycle feature we outline the restoration of a Honda C90 that’s been in one family for over thirty years, and our featured commercial vehicle is a beautiful Foden S36, complete with unusual two-stroke diesel engine. Event reports in this issue include Motorfest Ireland, the VJMC Classic Motorbike Show, CRV Classic Truck Show and more besides, and all of the usual favourites are in there too, so don’t miss out – get your August 2019 issue of Irish Vintage Scene today at any good newsagent, or order here online!