I suppose many components of a vehicle can be classed as the most important, depending on the situation. However, one area that is certainly high on anyone’s list of important parts are brakes. With some older parts becoming increasingly harder to source, Radius Component’s brake shoe and clutch relining and bonding service is a very important and welcome service to have available to us here in Ireland.

Radius Components was set up by Christy Deegan in 2013, drawing on Christy’s 25 years of previous experience in this industry. In just a few short years Radius has become a leader in the relining and bonding business, and now boasts the only industry-approved workshop in Ireland. An impressive work shop it is too, as I found out during my recent visit when I was shown each step of the process. After a set of brake shoes arrives, the old brake lining (if there is any left) is carefully stripped off, before the shoe is media blasted. The next step is to repair the shoe if required, before repainting it. The new brake lining material is then prepared – the material is the highest quality available, and is sourced from the best suppliers in Europe. Importantly, all the material used is asbestos-free. Next up, the new lining is bonded to the brake shoe (or clutch disc) in a special machine using various clamps – a very high-quality bonding material is used at this stage, and again Christy pointed out to me that all the materials they use are the best quality available. There are simply no short cuts; brakes are a critical safety item, so it has to be right. With the new lining bonded, it is then riveted onto the shoe if required – even if the original shoe only used one or the other, the lads at Radius will in most cases use both rivets and bonding on a rebuilt shoe or disc. Then, the final stage is to bake the component at a high temperature so that the bonding sets solid.

As well as brake shoes and liners, clutches, brake bands and winches can be relined at Radius Components, and they have also recently added the new service of making up copper brake pipes to order. They have lots high-grade copper brake line piping in stock, and can make you any kind of new brake line you could need – all they want is for you to send them your old one, and they will copy it exactly. Radius also stocks any amount of fittings, and can provide metric, imperial and UNC thread types.

I asked Christy how long would it take to get a set of brake linings done from start to finish, and he explained that from once they receive them, they will have them back to the owner via courier in two to three days. If you’re involved in old vehicles you don’t need me to tell you that this is a great service for us classic and vintage vehicle fans – all too often we hear people say “ you can’t get that done in Ireland”, but here is one service that you can, so please support Radius Components as best you can. Also, it’s worth pointing out for those of you involved in modern-day commercial vehicles and bus fleets that Radius Components also source and supply a large number of components and parts for this sector, so why not call them next time you are looking for a part or a brake or clutch rebuild?
Radius Components’ workshop is located in Unit 2, Besser Drive, Clondalkin Industrial Estate, Clondaklin, Dublin 22; for further details on their parts and services, call 01 4570002, see their website at www.radiuscomponents.ie, check out their Facebook or Google 360 pages or take a look at their advert in Irish Vintage Scene every month.